G101 Memories of Figure Names 28 – Viennese Waltz (English & Japanese)

投稿者: | 2022年8月23日

Since October 2011, I have been posting articles titled “Memories of Figure Names” on Facebook group “Ballroom & Latin Dancer Memory Lane”. I decided to leave those articles on this HP for record.
2011年10月からFacebookグループ”Ballroom & Latin Dancer Memory Lane”に「フィガー名の思い出」という記事を投稿しています。 これらの記事を記録のためにこのHPに残すことにしました。


“Memories of Figure Names No.28  Viennese Waltz “

I have a wonder about Viennese Waltz. The Dance Societies publish stand-alone Jive textbook along with other four textbooks or one textbook containing five dances. However, when it comes to  Viennese Waltz, it is not like that. Dance Societies might have a good reason for it but I as one of social dancers think it is not “user friendly”. I think that Viennese Waltz could be added in the last part of Waltz textbook and it can be done with ease since there are only a few figures.

Regarding to this “few figures”, its historical background shown in the DANCEPLAZA.COM website is interesting to me:-


“During the Sixties a lot of discussion was going on between Germany and the U.K concerning the number of Viennese Waltz variations allowed in Competitions. In 1983 the I.C.B.D. took the final decision: Natural and Reverse Turns, Natural and Reverse Fleckerls, The Contra Check change from reverse fleckerl to natural fleckerl danced over one bar of music.”


I was still wondering why it was necessary to adjust the number of figures, then Mr. Richard Gleave once explained me along the line that

 “If the number of figures usable is increased further, we risk loosing the characteristics of the dance.”


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「フィガー名の思い出28 ヴィニーズ・ワルツ」









