Since October 2011, I have been posting articles titled “Memories of Figure Names” on Facebook group “Ballroom & Latin Dancer Memory Lane”. I decided to leave those articles on this HP for record.
2011年10月からFacebookグループ”Ballroom & Latin Dancer Memory Lane”に「フィガー名の思い出」という記事を投稿しています。 これらの記事を記録のためにこのHPに残すことにしました。
“Memories of Figure Names No. 18 Three Fallaways”.
It’s a very challenging amalgamation for me and whether I dance it well or not, I always remember Mr. Greg Smith. This is because this was made by Mr. Bill Irvin in 1973 in response to Greg’s request for an Amalgamation that could start from this corner and finish that corner in one go.
Here is an excerpt from his 2005 lecture “Then & Now”.
It’s also fun to imagine Greg and Marion’s delight at using the Three Four Way for the first time, and the surprised reaction of the dancers on the floor and audience.
It was 2009 when I first saw Mr. Smith, MCing with Mr. John Kimmins on “An Audience With” at UK Congress (image from 2010).
「フィガー名の思い出18 Three Fallaways」
アービン氏の2005年のレクチャー”Then & Now”からその部分を切り抜いて紹介します。
私がSmith氏を初めて見たのは、2009年UKコングレスの”An Audience With”でJohn Kimmins氏とMCを務めている姿でした(画像は2010年のもの)。