G088 Memories of Figure Names 15 – Zig-Zag (3) (English & Japanese)

投稿者: | 2022年5月11日

Since October 2011, I have been posting articles titled “Memories of Figure Names” on Facebook group “Ballroom & Latin Dancer Memory Lane”. I decided to leave those articles on this HP for record.
2011年10月からFacebookグループ”Ballroom & Latin Dancer Memory Lane”に「フィガー名の思い出」という記事を投稿しています。 これらの記事を記録のためにこのHPに残すことにしました。


“Memories of Figure Names No.15  Zig-Zag (3)”

Here is a great example of Zig-Zag being used in the Slow Foxtrot, which I would like to share with you.

The Zig-Zag starts 24 seconds after the start. They dance Feather Finish ~ Zig-Zag to the corner ~ Weave, and beautifully dance around the corner and move into the new LOD. 

I am fond of this amalgamation and challenge it from time to time.

Thus, the Zig-Zag for me is deeply connected with the wonderful memories of Alex Moore and Peter Eggleton & Brenda Winslade.



「フィガー名の思い出15 ジグザグ(その3)」





